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Our creativity hacks

It all begins with an idea.

Thinking creatively allows us to view and solve problems openly and with innovation, but what tips and tricks do you use to stay creative? We’ve listed a few of ours below, but if you have others, we’d love to hear them.

🤹‍♀️ Play
The best thing about having kids around is you get to play! Forget about your car insurance renewal! Getting a face full of glitter and up to your knees in mud in the garden instantly reduces stress and gets creative energy flowing. Kids also have an amazing ability to not get caught up in the end result, they just let themselves go and enjoy the process. Of course, when we have client deadlines looming we need to structure our time, but there’s value in observing a childlike mentality when it comes to problem solving.

🏃‍♀️ Exercise
Being conscious of how our bodies and minds connect and feel during and after exercise is an awesome way of fostering creativity. Moving our bodies creates a flow of positive energy and releases any negativity we may be holding on to. Making time to exercise first thing in the morning sets you up for the whole day with a powerful, optimistic mindset. Creativity will not thrive if you’re feeling defeatist and pessimistic.

💁‍♂️ People
Get outside of your comfort zone and make time to connect with people who inspire you, be it via social media or in real life. Pick the phone up, send a DM or go for coffee, just make it happen! Sitting within our comfort zones is a sure fire way of staying stagnant. Ask questions and stay curious, you never know what you’ll learn, who you’ll meet or what it will lead on to.

🙏 Gratitude
As business owners, we’re always grateful for the enquiries, projects and launches, but things don’t always come off, jobs can be tricky and clients can be challenging. But having gratitude towards what we learn from these obstacles is where the real growth happens.

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